Multi Image widget

This plugin is used to uplaod the multiple image in two forms.
1: Linear Image
2: Slider Image.

1: Linear Image
When you will select this option in widget then your image will be shown one by one .

2: Slider Image
When you will select this option in widget then your image will be shown as a slider .


Here is the steps for installing the plugin :
1: Upload multi-image-widget to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2: Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Plugins ‹ wp test — WordPress 2015-05-20 08-16-40

3: After activating see the widget with name “Multi Image widget”

Widgets ‹ wp test — WordPress 2015-05-20 08-23-22

Front End : Linear Form
Hello world! - wp test 2015-05-20 08-27-59

Front End : Slider view
Hello world! - wp test 2015-05-20 08-29-18

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